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Compliance / Code of Conduct

GNS is aware of its role in society and its responsibility towards customers, business partners and employees. The company is therefore committed to clear principles. These form the framework for the entrepreneurial and social actions of GNS.
The actions of GNS and its employees are determined by personal responsibility, honesty, loyalty and respect for fellow human beings and the environment. The managers bear a special responsibility in this respect.
The main corporate objective is to make GNS the competence center of our shareholders/customers for nuclear waste management. To this end, we develop innovative concepts for specific customer needs. GNS fulfills its tasks responsibly, reliably and economically. GNS strives to continuously improve the fulfillment of quality and performance requirements.
In doing so, GNS relies on

  • the skills, strength and commitment of its employees
  • reliable social and political framework conditions
  • the possibilities of scientific and technical progress.

The Code of Conduct fulfills two essential tasks:
On the one hand, it is intended to encourage each individual employee to act on their own responsibility and provide them with orientation for this. On the other hand, it states the goals and principles for the entrepreneurial activities of GNS.