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Nuclear Waste Management From a Single Source

German nuclear specialist GNS has been providing reliable and efficient solutions for the management of spent nuclear fuel and waste for 50 years. The companies of the GNS Group have outstanding expertise in the disposal of spent fuel and high-level waste from nuclear reactors, as well as in the safe treatment, packaging and storage of intermediate- and low-level waste from the operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities.

Already in the 1970ies, GNS developed the world’s first cask for transport and interim storage of spent nuclear fuel, the CASTOR®. Today, more than 2000 GNS casks for irradiated fuel elements and highly radioactive waste are in use worldwide.

GNS has developed comprehensive solutions for all phases of decommissioning and dismantling, from defueling to the segmentation and packaging of large components such as reactor pressure vessels and their internals.

In Germany, GNS is entrusted with the disposal of residual materials and waste from the German nuclear power plants up to the transfer to federal interim storage. Additionally, GNS offers its products and services internationally on four continents today.

With their 1000 employees, the companies of the GNS Group achieve an annual turnover of around 400 million euros.