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Nuclear Waste Management From a Single Source

For five decades, GNS has been providing reliable and efficient solutions for nuclear waste management during the operation, decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities. The GNS Group is a specialist in the disposal of high-level radioactive waste and spent fuel elements from nuclear reactors as well as in the safe processing, packaging and storage of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste and residual materials resulting from the operation of nuclear power plants. In addition, GNS offers comprehensive solutions for all phases of decommissioning and dismantling, from the creation of fuel freedom to the dismantling and packaging of large components such as the reactor pressure vessels and their internals.

In Germany, as a subsidiary of the four major utilities, GNS is entrusted with the complete disposal of residual materials and waste from German nuclear power plants, up to and including delivery to the federal government's interim storage facilities. In addition to this responsible task, GNS also successfully offers its products and services for the disposal of nuclear power plants internationally.

Four decades ago, GNS developed a new type of cask for the transport and interim storage of fuel elements, the CASTOR®. Today, the CASTOR® family with its different, continuously developed series is an internationally known trademark and synonym for nuclear safety, reliability and innovation. 

In the meantime, almost 2000 GNS casks for irradiated fuel elements and highly radioactive waste are in use worldwide.

With their approximately 1000 employees, the companies of the GNS Group achieve an annual turnover of around 250 million euros.