Following the spin-off of the interim storage activities with two sites and a total of 150 employees in 2017, the workforce of GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH has grown significantly again in recent years. And due to the strategic acquisitions of Eisenwerk Bassum and Höfer & Bechtel, the number of employees of all companies in the GNS Group has now risen to around 1,000. The two companies added in recent years supplement the portfolio of GNS and its long-standing subsidiary WTI with capacities and competencies that play a decisive role in dismantling in particular.
AiNT has been part of the GNS Group since 30 July 2024. With around 20 employees at two locations in Stolberg near Aachen, AiNT has been organising seminars in the field of nuclear technology and offers nuclear engineering and consulting services since 2011 and organises the ICOND - International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning.
On February 21, 2020, GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH from Essen acquired 100 % of Eisenwerk Bassum GmbH from Bassum.
Eisenwerk Bassum GmbH (EWB) is the only manufacturer to offer all sheet steel containers of types II - VI approved for final disposal in the German Konrad repository. In addition, the product range includes other waste and special containers, load carriers and services in the field of plant and mechanical engineering.
At the beginning of 2021, GNS Japan K.K. was founded as a corporation under Japanese law with its registered office in Tokyo. The company is primarily involved in the application for a type certificate for the CASTOR® geo26JP submitted to the Japanese Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) in March 2021.
In December 2024, GNS took over the operations of its previous supplier Powder Light Metals GmbH and continues them as GNS Power Alloys GmbH within the GNS Group. The metallurgy specialists from Gladbeck have unique expertise in the development and production of aluminium sheets, especially utilizing powder metallurgy, which are used in particular in spent fuel cask, but also in the automotive, aerospace and chemical industries.
Höfer & Bechtel GmbH, based in Mainhausen in southern Hesse, is a medium-sized company with around 40 employees.
The company focuses on nuclear technology, in particular the optimization of process sequences, the planning and design, construction, commissioning and operation of complex and specialized special machines and measuring equipment for nuclear power plants, as well as radiology and radiation protection.
3D laser scanning including modeling and tailor-made automation solutions round off H&B's range of services.
WTI Wissenschaftlich-Technische Ingenieurberatung GmbH, based in Jülich and specializing in nuclear technology, is the engineering company of the GNS Group. WTI has an excellently trained and interdisciplinary team of experienced scientists and engineers and has been working on a wide range of nuclear engineering services for more than 40 years.