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Preparations resumed for repatriation transport from Sellafield to Biblis


The preparations for the repatriation transport of vitrified radioactive waste from the reprocessing plant in Sellafield/UK to the Federal interim storage facility in Biblis, which was suspended in spring due to the beginning COVID 19 situation, have been resumed. Today, the German Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) issued the amendment of the transport licence in accordance with § 4 AtG (German Atomic Energy Act) which was implemented as part of the postponement of the transport. After consultation between the Ministries of the Interior and the police authorities responsible for escorting the transport, the transport can thus be carried out this year.

In order to realise the planned repatriation transport also under the conditions of the COVID 19 pandemic, the participating companies and institutions have developed comprehensive precautionary concepts and hygiene rules for all phases of the transport. These are comparable with the many measures that are now effectively applied in several other areas of industry and logistics on a daily basis. At the same time, the safety of the transport of the radioactive waste is not affected in any way. The health of all those involved and of the population along the transport route will continue to have top priority.

The transport is scheduled from the reprocessing plant in Sellafield via English and German seaports to the interim storage facility in Biblis, which is owned and operated by the Federal BGZ Gesellschaft für Zwischenlagerung mbH. It comprises six CASTOR® HAW28M casks specially designed for this purpose containing vitrified radioactive residues from the reprocessing of German fuel elements. The transport is carried out on behalf of the German nuclear power plant operators.

GNS information portal on repatriation

GNS has compiled comprehensive information on the return of German reprocessing waste and the upcoming transports on a special website. Here you can find further background information, photos and graphics as well as contact persons of the companies involved:


This press release contains forward-looking statements made as of the date of its publication. These statements may not be consistent with subsequent events not covered in this press release.

For additional information
Michael Köbl
Head of Communications, GNS group

GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH
Frohnhauser Straße 67
45127 Essen

+49 (0)201 109-1444