GNS aspires to perform its tasks responsibly, reliably and economically for its customers and other interested parties. With regard to this, it is indispensable that the high safety standards for products and services in nuclear be complied with.
To this end, GNS operates an efficient Integrated Management System that includes safety, radiation protection and safety culture aspects as well as quality, protection of health, safety and the environment and profitability. The system is oriented towards the processes which are essential to GNS.
In this respect, the specifications of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as well as the requirements of ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environmental protection), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) and KTA 1401 are of great importance.GNS has anchored the protection of the environment in its corporate guidelines and specified it in the environmental policy derived from it. We take care to act in an environmentally friendly manner both in the development and manufacture of our products and in the provision of our services. Of course, this is also a prerequisite for our partners and contractors.
GNS is also committed to complying with voluntary occupational health and safety programmes beyond the relevant occupational health and safety regulations. The safety and health of our employees takes priority over all other corporate objectives and is included in technical, economic and social considerations as early as the planning phase.
The GNS Integrated Management System is certified by the certifying body of BSI Group Deutschland GmbH with regards to quality and environmental protection.
Implementation and further development of the Integrated Management System is a matter of special importance at GNS and therefore concerns everyone – the management, the senior executives and the employees.
The topics of health, safety, radiation protection, environment and processes are bundled at GNS in the HSRE & Processes staff unit.
This staff unit is headed by Dr. Martin Berthold.